Summer Time of Use: June - September | Weekdays: 1 P.M. - 7 P.M.
Fire Hyrdrant Flushing
Fire hydrant flushing is sometimes done to remove sediments and deposits that can build up in hydrants and pipes. This is done in the middle of the night and usually causes no disruption to customers. Occasionally, in the middle of flushing, customers may experience a slight tint to their water. It is advised that you do not wash clothes during fire hydrant flushing. Notices are put in the Tullahoma News to announce flushing dates/times.
TUA will be performing annual fire hydrant flushing in April as follows:
April 3 & 4 - Northeast quadrant
April 5 & 6 - Southeast quadrant
April 10 & 11 - Northwest quadrant
April 12 & 13 - Southwest quadrant
Flushing will be performed at night between the hours of 11:00 PM and 3:00 AM. Water discoloration and low pressure will likely occur in and near flushing areas. Please do not wash clothes during this time.
Fire hydrant flushing is an essential maintenance operation for the water distribution system. TUA appreciates the cooperation and patience demonstrated by our customers during this necessary inconvenience.
TUA will be performing annual fire hydrant flushing in April as follows:
April 3 & 4 - Northeast quadrant
April 5 & 6 - Southeast quadrant
April 10 & 11 - Northwest quadrant
April 12 & 13 - Southwest quadrant
Flushing will be performed at night between the hours of 11:00 PM and 3:00 AM. Water discoloration and low pressure will likely occur in and near flushing areas. Please do not wash clothes during this time.
Fire hydrant flushing is an essential maintenance operation for the water distribution system. TUA appreciates the cooperation and patience demonstrated by our customers during this necessary inconvenience.
- Wastewater Department FAQs
- Design Criteria & Specifications
- City of Tullahoma Sewer Use Ordinance
- Tennessee Association of Utility Districts
- Tennessee Water & Wastewater Association
- KY/TN Water Environment Association
- Water Environment Federation
- NPDES Permit
- Wastewater Rates
- Fire Hyrdrant Flushing
- Deposits