TUA serves 8,000 wastewater customers, and maintains 200 miles of collection lines and 42 lift stations.
The collection system consists of gravity sewers, grinder pumps, and force mains.
TUA operates its own state-of-the-art wastewater treatment plant.
Resourceful Information:
Wastewater Rates
Wastewater Department FAQs
Design Criteria & Specifications
City of Tullahoma Sewer Use Ordinance
Tennessee Association of Utility Districts
Tennessee Water & Wastewater Association
KY/TN Water Environment Association
Water Environment Federation
Grinder Pump
The collection system consists of gravity sewers, grinder pumps, and force mains.
TUA operates its own state-of-the-art wastewater treatment plant.
Resourceful Information:
Wastewater Rates
Wastewater Department FAQs
Design Criteria & Specifications
City of Tullahoma Sewer Use Ordinance
Tennessee Association of Utility Districts
Tennessee Water & Wastewater Association
KY/TN Water Environment Association
Water Environment Federation
Grinder Pump